Санкт-Петербург 2-4 июля 2010 года

IV Conference of National Society for Haemapheresis 

and Blood Purification


April 26-27th 2019, Samara, Russia


For speakers


Dear Colleagues,


Plenary sessions should preferably be done in English, but you may use Russian, if you do so please notify the organizing committee. The working language of section reports depends on the program of section and the composition of participants.


Please prepare your presentation in electronic form in PowerPoint format.


The organizing committee assists the speakers who are not fluent in Russian with translation of their presentations into Russian language. Deadline for sending presentations that are needed to be translated into Russian is March 18.


During the conference a laptop and multimedia will be provided for the slide show.


Please come to the hall where you are going to make a report (see Program) 10 minutes before the beginning.


Approximate duration of the plenary reports is 20 to 30 min.


Approximate duration of the sectional reports is 10 to 20 min.


Instructions for the Preparation of Posters


Please prepare your poster on one sheet of Bristol board or laminated paper.


Alternatively presenters may display their material on several smaller sheets.


The dimensions of the poster board are: 1m wide x 2.30m long. It is suggested that your poster be 90 cm wide x 1.2m long. (Any longer, and it becomes difficult to see.)


Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract.


Deadline for speakers – translation of presentations into Russian: 18 March